


Experience Movement, stillness, and nourishing food at the serene Ekantha in Kodai hills. Let your body and mind ease in nature. Natural bodyweight fitness, wellness sessions, Shinrin-Yoku, and organic farm visits amidst the hills. Join us on the 13th and 14th of April (weekend) for Ease Weekend Wellness Retreat Health

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Swasthya Wellness

Enjoy healthy wellness Cuisine & learn more about Nutrition to enhance your health & well-being at Swasthya Wellness Retreat this Weekend! Curated and facilitated by friends of Yaadhum! Swasthya Retreat in Tiruvannamalai We are spending a weekend bringing our body, mind, and essence into sync to experience true well-being –

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Weekend farmers

Madurai makkale!Looking for a weekend to connect with nature and with yourself? “Yaadhum’s Weekend Farmer” program is curated for you to engage with the soil and to be a farmer!🌿 Get ready for fun activities, community cooking and a simple farm life experience!😀 Date : 17 & 18th February (Saturday

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