Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flour 1kg

Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flour 1kg





Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flour

Wheat is the only grain that has been consumed all over the world. It compensates majority of the food consumption. There is a huge range and variety of food items that can be prepared from the wheat flour.

The whole wheat flour, we produce is derived by grinding or mashing whole grains of wheat. The grinding process is so crucial as it determines the nutritional value of the flour.

We Yaadhum community have a traditional and healthy way of grinding wheat flour. Here it is done using stone grinders which grinds the whole wheat kernels slowly in order to minimize the heat and maximize the health value.

Why stone grinding instead of steel grinding?

When the wheat kernels are crushed using steel rollers to make wheat flour, the rollers produce heat that is capable of destroying the bran and germ. This strips the flour of many wholesome nutrients and vitamins. Milling wheat using stone grinders or chakki as it is called in India is more preferable as it keeps the germ of the wheat intact and produces wheat flour that is comparatively richer in nutrients

Why whole grain wheat?

Whole wheat is better than just simple wheat flour because it is a grain complete with bran, husk and endosperm. The husk and bran are removed in many types of wheat flours, stripping them of many nutrients, dietary fibers, minerals and vitamins.

Organic, whole-wheat & stone-grind is the way to go!

Organically produced whole wheat is cultivated as naturally as possible without exposure to harmful pesticides and fertilizers. Therefore, stone-ground and organic whole wheat flour, is the best choice.

I will make you healthy

  1. Healthy heart: Consuming wheat for breakfast in the form of cereal or bread can be beneficial as it prevents heart attacks. Whole grains have essential nutrients that reduce the risk of high blood pressures and heart attack. So a full bowl of delicious yet healthy whole grain breakfast will save you from the heart diseases.
  2. Essential nutrients: The whole wheat flour contains some healthy fats, minerals, lots of fiber and proteins. Fiber rich diet is essential for your overall health and if you want to lose weight.
  3.  Controls blood sugar levels: Whole wheat flour includes carbohydrates and this can help keeping your blood sugar levels low. Foods that contain carbohydrates are turned by the human body into glucose. Glucose gets into your blood and supplies the cells with sugar. Foods that are made up of flour contain high glycemic index so the blood quickly gets the sugars.
  4. Keeps you energetic: Consumption of whole wheat flour in good quantities keeps you energized throughout the day as it has a lot of carbohydrates, starch and sugar.

As fresh as it gets!  

This whole grain flour is rich in high fibers. The flour is super fresh from the mills. Does it end there? Definitely No! This stuff is highly nutritional, Pure and Natural – No preservatives, no artificial Flavor, and no artificial colors. Go organic guys!

To Test Me

You can test the freshness of the flour either by smelling it or by touching it. It’s better not to store it in open.

How to store:

Naturally and organic grown grains are prone to catch worms. Our stone ground organic whole wheat flours are not chemically treated to prevent worms and increase self-life. Use our fresh milled flours within 15 to 20 days for its freshness and nutrition richness.

Buy fresh in small quantity.Store it in an airtight steel or glass containers for a better self-life. Avoid wet spoons and hands in the flour.

Other Variants:

  • SELF-RISING FLOUR are some of the commonly used varieties other than stone grounded wheat flour.

Buy Me

1 kg of stone grounded whole wheat flour will cost Rs 98 the price may seem little high folks. But that’s purely in order to be completely organic and retain the health benefits.

Go-To Food of the world

From pizza to bread, from chapatti to roti, from cake to pastry and so on. Just wow! It’s amazing to know, this many food varieties of wheat flour are just there. Wheat flour is the major ingredient of most of the food throughout the world.

Very tasty wheat Shankarpali recipe

Let us see a tasty and delicious North Indian sweet recipe which will be tastier and healthier when made with our organic whole wheat ground flour.


  • Flour 1 cup,(whole wheat stone grounded flour)
  • Ghee 2 1/2 tbsp, OR oil
  • Salt a pinch
  • Cardamom powder 1/4 tsp (Elaichi powder)
  • Sugar 1/4 cup
  • Water 1/4 cup
  • Oil for deep frying

In a bowl, add stone ground wheat flour, salt, and cardamom powder and mix it well. In a small pan, add water, ghee and sugar and allow the sugar to melt. Turn off heat and pour this over our wheat flour. Slowly, keep mixing to form a slightly firm yet smooth dough. Knead for a good 6-8 minutes. Cover and set aside for at least 30 to 60 minutes.

Dust the working surface with flour, Divide the kneaded dough into two portions.

Roll the dough into a large thick circle. You can roll it into a 1/4″ thick circle. You can even roll it a little thinner than 1/4″.

Use a sharp knife to cut it into 1/2″ width long horizontal strips. Cut these strips vertically so that you achieve diamond cuts. Remove each cut piece and place on a plate so that you can drop them easily into the hot oil while deep frying.

Heat oil for deep frying in a heavy bottomed vessel. Place a small piece of dough in the hot oil and if it sizzles and comes to the surface of the oil, it is ready for deep frying.


Reduce flame to medium, place few of the cut pieces carefully into the hot oil without overcrowding the vessel. (Fry in batches). Deep fry till they attain a golden brown shade. You will know they are done once the sizzling of oil stops and the biscuits attain a golden shade.

Remove the finished shankarpali with the help of a slotted ladle and place on an absorbent paper. Once cool, place them in an airtight container.


Alternately, you can also bake the diamond cuts by preheating the oven at 180 C for 15 minutes and bake for 15-18 minutes.

They have a shelf life of at least 10 days to two weeks.

If required, you can add more wheat flour if the dough is too soft. If the dough is too stiff, add a tbsp or two of water and knead for a couple of minutes.

Is it healthy to eat food from whole wheat grains every day?

Whole grains deliver a variety of health benefits. Regularly eating whole grains may reduce your risk of heart disease, type2 diabetes, and obesity. This is particularly true when they replace the refined grains in your diet

Why are whole wheat grains important for children and pregnant women?

The food items prepared from whole wheat flour helps to maintain energy levels and help maintain a feeling of fullness for longer. Research has indicated that children who eat food from whole grains are at a lower risk of well-known chronic diseases including obesity and diabetes.

Nutrients in me

Wheat flour, whole-grain, 1 cup

Protein                                                                             16.44 g
Total lipid (fat)                                                                2.24 g
Carbohydrate, by difference                                          87.08 g
Energy                                                                              406.8 kcal
Sugars                                                                              0.49 g

I can also be called as!

Whole wheat flour is popularly known as Atta or chakki fresh atta in Tamilnadu. It’s also called as whole meal flour or wheat berry in other countries.

Am I bad for you?

Although whole grain wheat flour is the best for your health, it contains gluten, so it isn’t appropriate for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Otherwise you are good to go!!!







Additional information

Weight 1.07 kg
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