Groundnut Oil (Iron Pressed)1ltr

Groundnut Oil (Iron Pressed)1ltr

Iron-pressed groundnut oil delivers rich, nutty flavor along with essential nutrients. It is high in monounsaturated fats, supports heart health, and enhances the taste of fried and sautéed dishes. A must-have for those seeking authentic cooking methods.






Groundnut oil extracted from the groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is recognized as a chapter of the subfamily, Papilionaceae of the family Leguminosae. It is considered to be the native of Brazil to Peru, Ghana, and Argentina. It entered India when in the first half of the sixteenth century from one of the Pacific islands of China. Groundnut oil is a delicious oil. It finds great to use as cooking means, both as refined oil and Vanaspati Ghee.


Groundnut grows well in arid and semi-arid regions, expecting a maximum temperature of about 30Celsius. Due to their diverse uses, groundnuts are in grand demand, and this reveals an opportunity for interested investors to export the product. When determining a place for farming groundnut, you must have in mind that groundnut manufacture their pods underground. Consequently, the topsoil necessity has a low clay content (less than 20%) with a loosened structure. The best germination temperature of the atmosphere should be lying between 20-30 °C, with a minimum of 18 °C. Groundnuts are accustomed to soil with a pH level between 5.5 – and 7.0. At pH levels out of this range, some elements become unavailable, e.g., iron and zinc.

Plowing in Summer (Just before the Rainy/Planting Season) is beneficial to eliminate weed seeds, hibernating insects, and disease animals, by exhibiting them to the heat of summer. The soil should be heated at the time of planting. It is not right to plant groundnut very fresh in the morning. For more reliable germination, it is amplest to let the soil warm up. It takes only about the period of three months for groundnut to evolve and mature.

Harvesting habitually consists of a series of processes such as comprising digging, lifting, windrowing, stocking, and threshing


True Authentic, inherited Traditional and healthy edible oils that are extracted in wooden Chekku. This method ensures that they are high in nutrition and have a great taste and fragrance. Wood Pressed Groundnut Oil.


  • It is Loaded With Antioxidants. Oil refining reduces the oil to extremely high temperatures.
  • It promotes heart health.
  • It may fight cancer.
  • Furthermore, it boosts skin health.
  • It may improve insulin sensitivity.
  • It is the Source of unsaturated Fats.
  • The benefits of Ground Nut Oil help to prevent the risk of Heart Disease. Wood pressed Groundnut oil helps to lower levels of bad cholesterol.
  • Groundnut oil / Peanut oil has more benefits for diabetes.
  • Wood pressed Groundnut oil enhances the level of insulin hormone, then supports in maintaining the level of blood sugar.
  • It contains Fatty acids, which help to restore damaged hair. Groundnut oil helps to improve the growth of hair.
  • Consumption of cold-pressed groundnut oil helps to reduce the chance of joint inflammation.
  • Maracheckku kadalai ennai helps to Prevent Arthritis.
  • Wood pressed Groundnut oil helps to Prevent Cancer.
  • Cold-pressed groundnut oil contains vitamin E, It helps to restore the natural colour of lips and makes them soft and supple.
  • Wood pressed Groundnut oil improves the Circulation of Blood.
  • Consumption of Wood pressed ground nut oil frequently benefits to provide healthy skin and protects from wrinkles, and premature ageing.
Why Yaadhum?

When buying wood-pressed groundnuts oil, carefully choose the quality, freshness, and quality of the product. For assurance of quality and the right price, you may choose Yaadhum.


In India, groundnut is one of the most significant oilseed crops and involves an area of 5.86 m ha with production and fertility of 8.26 m tons and 1411 kg/ha, individually (2010-11). The main groundnut-growing states are Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Rajasthan.

 How to use groundnut oil

Peanut oil or groundnut oil — is ordinarily used in baking, sautéing, frying, and other modes of cooking.

While peanut oil allows a slightly nutty flavour, it’s commonly a good, unbiased option to use for most recipes

Goober – a commercial product that is a combination of groundnut butter and jelly in a single jar, it was introduced by The J.M. Smucker Company under the Smucker’s brand

  •    Honey roasted peanuts –a popular salt, sugar, and honey-flavored groundnut snack
  •    Kare-kare –a Philippine stew complimented with a thick savoury groundnut sauce
  •    Koba – a sweet made from groundnut, brown sugar, and rice flour.
  •    Make– a stew or sauce made from lamb, beef, chicken, or without meat and cooked with a sauce based on groundnuts
  •   Mirchi ka salan –a popular chilli and groundnut curry of HyderabadTelangana, India.


To check out other healthy edible oil from Yaadhum: Wood pressed Gingelly oil

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Additional information

Weight 1.33 kg
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